- 阅读以下游戏脚本
Priests and Devils Priests and Devils is a puzzle game in which you will help the Priests and Devils to cross the river within the time limit. There are 3 priests and 3 devils at one side of the river. They all want to get to the other side of this river, but there is only one boat and this boat can only carry two persons each time. And there must be one person steering the boat from one side to the other side. In the flash game, you can click on them to move them and click the go button to move the boat to the other direction. If the priests are out numbered by the devils on either side of the river, they get killed and the game is over. You can try it in many > ways. Keep all priests alive! Good luck !
- play the game ( http://www.flash-game.net/game/2535/priests-and-devils.html )
列出游戏中提及的事物(Objects) 游戏中提及的事物有
- 魔鬼
- 牧师
- 船
- 两边的岸
- 河
行为 | 行为条件 |
牧师/恶魔上船 | 船上有空位且船在该岸 |
开船 | 船上有人 |
牧师/恶魔下船 | 船有人且靠在岸边 |
游戏胜利 | 6个人都到了对岸 |
游戏失败 | 有一边岸上人数不均 |
- 请将游戏中对象做成预制
- 在 GenGameObjects 中创建 长方形、正方形、球 及其色彩代表游戏中的对象。
- 使用 C# 集合类型 有效组织对象
- 整个游戏仅 主摄像机 和 一个 Empty 对象, 其他对象必须代码动态生成!!!整个游戏不许出现 Find 游戏对象, SendMessage 这类突破程序结构的 通讯耦合 语句。 违背本条准则,不给分
- 请使用课件架构图编程,不接受非 MVC 结构程序
- 注意细节,例如:船未靠岸,牧师与魔鬼上下船运动中,均不能接受用户事件!
- M(Model): Unity中,Model就是游戏场景中GameObject、和它们的关系以及后台的数据模型(比如用户信息等),它们都受到相应的Controller的控制
- V(View): View这部分在游戏中起到的是与用户进行交互的功能,它们负责向用户战术游戏结果,处理GUI事件并通过IUserAction接口来与Controller进行交互。
- C(Controller): Controller控制着游戏场景中所有的对象,其负责接收来自View的用户的指令并根据用户输入的指令,更新Models以及更新View的状态,其可以被认为是连接Model与View的桥梁。
- 获取当前游戏的场景
- 控制场景运行、切换、入栈与出栈,暂停、恢复、退出
- 管理游戏全局状态
- 设定游戏的配置
- 设定游戏全局视图
public class GameDirector : System.Object { private static GameDirector _instance; public ISceneController currentSceneController { get; set; } public bool running { set; get; } public static GameDirector getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new GameDirector(); return _instance; } return _instance; } public int getFPS() { return Application.targetFrameRate; } public void setFPS(int fps) { Application.targetFrameRate = fps; } }
//interface of Scene public interface ISceneController { void genGameObjects(); }
- 管理游戏在该游戏场景中的所有的游戏对象
- 协调游戏对象、游戏对象管理器(GameObjectControllers)之间的通信
- 响应外部输入事件
- 管理该游戏场景的所有的规则
- 管理一些其他的东西
IUserAction中体现了游戏编程的门面模式,游戏外部与一个子系统的通信必须通过一个统一的门面对象进行,而我们现在实现的IUserAction就是这样的一个对象,GUI类通过IUserAction来与Controller进行通信,我们通过实现IUserAction接口来定义Controller与GUI的交互,这样我们在实现Controller类时只需要实现IUserAction对应的接口,他就可以与任意使用IUserAction接口的View即GUI类调用,GUI类也是只需调用接口中的方法即可实现与Controller的通信, 方便了我们MVC架构的实现。
public interface IUserAction { void restart(); void ToggleBoat(); void ClickCharacter(ICharacterController chracter); }
public class UserGUI : MonoBehaviour { public int status = 0; private IUserAction action; GUIStyle headerStyle; GUIStyle buttonStyle; // Use this for initialization void Start () { action = GameDirector.getInstance().currentSceneController as IUserAction; headerStyle = new GUIStyle(); headerStyle.fontSize = 40; headerStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; buttonStyle = new GUIStyle("button"); buttonStyle.fontSize = 30; } // Update is called once per frame void OnGUI () { GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 100, 10, 200, 50), "Priests & Demons", headerStyle); if (status == 1) { GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 45, Screen.height / 2 - 90, 100, 50), "Gameover!", headerStyle); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 65, Screen.height / 2, 140, 70), "Restart", buttonStyle)) { status = 0; action.restart(); } } else if (status == 2) { GUI.Label(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 50, Screen.height / 2 - 90, 100, 50), "Win!", headerStyle); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(Screen.width / 2 - 70, Screen.height / 2, 140, 70), "Restart", buttonStyle)) { status = 0; action.restart(); } } } }
public class ClickGUI : MonoBehaviour { IUserAction action; ICharacterController character; public void setController(ICharacterController characterController) { character = characterController; } void Start() { action = GameDirector.getInstance().currentSceneController as IUserAction; } void OnMouseDown() { if (gameObject.name == "boat") { action.ToggleBoat(); } else { action.ClickCharacter(character); } } }
在ClickGUI中,我们同样用到了IUserAction, ClickGUI监听事件的发生,然后通过IUserAction提供的类似移动船,游戏角色上下船的函数,把用户指令传给Controller进行执行。从而实现View和Controller之间的交互。
public class FirstController : MonoBehaviour, ISceneController, IUserAction { readonly Vector3 riverPosition = new Vector3(0, -0.25f, 0); UserGUI userGUI; public LandController rightLand; public LandController leftLand; public BoatController boat; public ICharacterController[] characters; void Awake() { GameDirector director = GameDirector.getInstance(); director.currentSceneController = this; userGUI = gameObject.AddComponent<UserGUI>() as UserGUI; genGameObjects(); } public void genGameObjects() { characters = new ICharacterController[6]; GameObject river = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/River", typeof(GameObject)), riverPosition, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject; river.name = "river"; boat = new BoatController(); leftLand = new LandController(-1); rightLand = new LandController(1); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ICharacterController priest = new ICharacterController(0, "priest" + i); priest.setPosition(rightLand.getEmptyPosition()); priest.getOnLand(rightLand); rightLand.getOnLand(priest); characters[i] = priest; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { ICharacterController demon = new ICharacterController(1, "demon" + i); demon.setPosition(rightLand.getEmptyPosition()); demon.getOnLand(rightLand); rightLand.getOnLand(demon); characters[i+3] = demon; } } public void ClickCharacter(ICharacterController character) { if (userGUI.status != 0 || !boat.available()) { return; } if (character.isOnBoat()) { LandController land; if (boat.getBoatPos() == 0) { land = leftLand; } else { land = rightLand; } boat.getOffBoat(character.getName()); character.MoveTo(land.getEmptyPosition()); character.getOnLand(land); land.getOnLand(character); } else { LandController land = character.getLandController(); if (boat.getEmptyIndex() == -1) return; int landPos = land.getType(), boatPos = (boat.getBoatPos() == 0) ? -1 : 1; if (landPos != boatPos) return; land.getOffLand(character.getName()); character.MoveTo(boat.getEmptyPosition()); character.getOnBoat(boat, boat.getEmptyIndex()); boat.getOnBoat(character); } userGUI.status = checkResult(); } public void ToggleBoat() { if (userGUI.status != 0 || boat.isEmptty()) return; boat.Move(); userGUI.status = checkResult(); } int checkResult() { int leftPriests = 0; int rightPriests = 0; int leftDemons = 0; int rightDemons = 0; int[] leftStatus = leftLand.getStatus(); leftPriests += leftStatus[0]; leftDemons += leftStatus[1]; if (leftPriests + leftDemons == 6) return 2; int[] rightStatus = rightLand.getStatus(); rightPriests += rightStatus[0]; rightDemons += rightStatus[1]; int[] boatStatus = boat.getBoatStatus(); if (boat.getBoatPos() == 0) { leftPriests += boatStatus[0]; leftDemons += boatStatus[1]; } else { rightPriests += boatStatus[0]; rightDemons += boatStatus[1]; } if (leftPriests > 0 && leftPriests < leftDemons) return 1; if (rightPriests > 0 && rightPriests < rightDemons) return 1; return 0; } public void restart() { boat.reset(); leftLand.reset(); rightLand.reset(); for (int i = 0; i < characters.Length; i++) characters[i].reset(); } }
public class Move : MonoBehaviour { readonly float speed = 20; int status;//0: 静止, 1: 处于前段移动, 2: 处于后段移动 Vector3 middle; Vector3 destination; void Update() { if (status == 1) { this.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(this.transform.position, middle, Time.deltaTime * speed); if (transform.position == middle) { status = 2; } } else if (status == 2) { this.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(this.transform.position, destination, Time.deltaTime * speed); if (this.transform.position == destination) { status = 0; } } } public int getStatus() { return status; } public void moveTo(Vector3 _destination) { destination = _destination; middle = _destination; if (_destination.y == this.transform.position.y) { status = 2; return; } else if (_destination.y < this.transform.position.y) { middle.y = transform.position.y; } else { middle.x = transform.position.x; } status = 1; } public void reset() { status = 0; } }
因为牧师与恶魔的动作等都是一样的,就只是外形、类型不一样,所以我把其抽象为一个Controller,通过type区分它们 其代码如下:
public class ICharacterController { readonly GameObject character; readonly Move moveAction; readonly int type;//0: Priest, 1: Demon readonly ClickGUI clickGUI; bool onBoat; LandController landController; public ICharacterController(int chracterType, string name) { if (chracterType == 0) { this.character = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Priest", typeof(GameObject)), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject; this.type = 0; } else { this.character = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Demon", typeof(GameObject)), Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject; this.type = 1; } character.name = name; moveAction = character.AddComponent(typeof(Move)) as Move; clickGUI = character.AddComponent(typeof(ClickGUI)) as ClickGUI; clickGUI.setController(this); } public string getName() { return character.name; } public void setPosition(Vector3 pos) { character.transform.position = pos; } public void MoveTo(Vector3 destination) { moveAction.moveTo(destination); } public int getType() { return type; } public void getOnBoat(BoatController boatController, int pos) { landController = null; if (pos == 0) { character.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up); } else { character.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(270, Vector3.up); } character.transform.parent = boatController.getBoat().transform; onBoat = true; } public void getOnLand(LandController land) { landController = land; if (land.getType() == -1) { character.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(90, Vector3.up); } else { character.transform.rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(270, Vector3.up); } character.transform.parent = null; onBoat = false; } public bool isOnBoat() { return onBoat; } public LandController getLandController() { return landController; } public void reset() { moveAction.reset(); landController = (GameDirector.getInstance().currentSceneController as FirstController).rightLand; getOnLand(landController); setPosition(landController.getEmptyPosition()); landController.getOnLand(this); } }
CharcterController类的实现十分简单,就是根据type导入预制,然后再实现上船,上岸,重置以及一些其他的get, set函数就完成了,具体可以看以上代码的实现。
public class BoatController { readonly GameObject boat; readonly Move moveAction; readonly Vector3 right = new Vector3(3.5f, 0, 0); readonly Vector3 left = new Vector3(-3.5f, 0, 0); readonly Vector3[] right_positions; readonly Vector3[] left_positions; int status;// 0: left, 1: right ICharacterController[] characterOnBoat = new ICharacterController[2]; public BoatController() { status = 1; right_positions = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(2.5F, 0.2F, 0), new Vector3(4.5F, 0.2F, 0) }; left_positions = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(-4.5F, 0.2F, 0), new Vector3(-2.5F, 0.2F, 0) }; boat = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Boat", typeof(GameObject)), right, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject; boat.name = "boat"; moveAction = boat.AddComponent(typeof(Move)) as Move; boat.AddComponent(typeof(ClickGUI)); } public void Move() { if (status == 1) { moveAction.moveTo(left); } else { moveAction.moveTo(right); } status = 1 - status; } public int getEmptyIndex() { for (int i = 0; i < characterOnBoat.Length; i++) { if (characterOnBoat[i] == null) { return i; } } return -1; } public Vector3 getEmptyPosition() { int index = getEmptyIndex(); if (status == 0) { return left_positions[index]; } else { return right_positions[index]; } } public bool isEmptty() { for (int i = 0; i < characterOnBoat.Length; i++) { if (characterOnBoat[i] != null) { return false; } } return true; } public void getOnBoat(ICharacterController character) { characterOnBoat[getEmptyIndex()] = character; } public ICharacterController getOffBoat(string name) { for (int i = 0; i < characterOnBoat.Length; i++) { if (characterOnBoat[i] != null && characterOnBoat[i].getName() == name) { ICharacterController character = characterOnBoat[i]; characterOnBoat[i] = null; return character; } } return null; } public GameObject getBoat() { return boat; } public int getBoatPos() { return status; } public int[] getBoatStatus() { int[] boatStatus = { 0, 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < characterOnBoat.Length; i++) { if (characterOnBoat[i] == null) continue; boatStatus[characterOnBoat[i].getType()]++; } return boatStatus; }// 0: Priests, 1: Demon public bool available() { return (moveAction.getStatus() == 0); } public void reset() { moveAction.reset(); if (status == 0) { Move(); } characterOnBoat = new ICharacterController[2]; } }
public class LandController { readonly GameObject land; readonly Vector3 leftPos = new Vector3(-8.5f, 0f, 0f); readonly Vector3 rightPos = new Vector3(8.5f, 0f, 0f); readonly Vector3[] landPositions; readonly int type;// 1:right, -1: left ICharacterController[] characterOnLand; public LandController(int _type) { landPositions = new Vector3[] { new Vector3(6F,0.5F,0), new Vector3(7F,0.5F,0), new Vector3(8F,0.5F,0), new Vector3(9F,0.5F,0), new Vector3(10F,0.5F,0), new Vector3(11F,0.5F,0) }; characterOnLand = new ICharacterController[6]; type = _type; if (type == 1) { land = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Land", typeof(GameObject)), rightPos, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject; land.name = "rightLand"; } else { land = Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("Prefabs/Land", typeof(GameObject)), leftPos, Quaternion.identity, null) as GameObject; land.name = "leftLand"; } } public Vector3 getEmptyPosition() { Vector3 pos = landPositions[getEmptyIndex()]; pos.x *= type; return pos; } public int getEmptyIndex() { for (int i = 0; i < characterOnLand.Length; i++) { if (characterOnLand[i] == null) return i; } return -1; } public void getOnLand(ICharacterController chracter) { characterOnLand[getEmptyIndex()] = chracter; } public ICharacterController getOffLand(string name) { for (int i = 0; i < characterOnLand.Length; i++) { if (characterOnLand[i] != null && characterOnLand[i].getName() == name) { ICharacterController tmp = characterOnLand[i]; characterOnLand[i] = null; return tmp; } } return null; } public int getType() { return type; } public int[] getStatus() { int[] status = { 0, 0 }; for (int i = 0; i < characterOnLand.Length; i++) { if (characterOnLand[i] == null) continue; status[characterOnLand[i].getType()]++; } return status; }// 0: priests, 1: Demon public void reset() { characterOnLand = new ICharacterController[6]; } }
- 软件耦合度低
- 模块易复用
- 生产效率高(对于中大型软件)
- 易于维护、迭代
- 有利软件工程化管理